

  • 2024.06.12

    Giant Lily, which is called ‘Oubayuri’ (Cardiocrinum cordatum var. glehnii), is native to the forests of Hokkaido and northern Honshu.

    The Ainu people treasured it as a valuable source of food. They used starch extracted from the bulb of this plant  to make non-perishable foods and medicine. 

    On June 29, 2024 an experience event of harvesting this plant and extracting starch from its bulb will be held by Chikisani to help participants learn about the Ainu food culture.

    Elementary school students and above can apply to participate in the experience. 


    – Date & time: 13:00 – 16:00 on June 29, 2024

    – Venue: Morino area (The opposite of Horokenashi Parking area)

    – Contents: Learning about Ainu food culture through harvesting Giant Lily and extracting starch from its bulb.

    – Free to participate.

    – Number of participants: limited to 10 

    – Things to bring: work gloves, long boots for work, hats, raincoats in case of rainy weather.

    – Deadline for applying: June 18, 2024

    – Inquiries: Chikisani  Tel: +81144-82-6301
