

  • 2024.08.22

    The Shiraoi Ioru Office Chikisani will host the Ainu seine fishing experience at Shiraoi port this September and October.

    The Ainu people living in Shiraoi used to earn a living by seine fishing at the sea. It’s a part of their culture.

    To participate in this event, participants will do seine fishing themselves, see an exhibition of Itaomacip, a kind of boat traditionally built by the Ainu people and used for sailing, and taste Ainu traditional food.

    Elementary school students can try dissecting salmon. Children can also play some Ainu games on the site.

    With all of the above contents, this event will be a hands-on experience for any one who would like to learn about Ainu culture.

    Here are the details:

    Dates & time: 10:00-13:00 September 28th and October 12th, 2024

    Venue: Shiraoi port

    Target participants: elementary school students and above, adults

    Participation fee: 100 yen per person

    Number of participants: Up to 150 people (first come, first served)

    Things to bring: Gloves, rubber long boots, hats, raincoats in case of rainy weather.

    For applications and inquiries: Shiraoi Ioru Office Chikisani

    Tel: +81144-82-6301
